PressGiochi about NeuralSolution


NeuralSolution: Only a camera is needed to identify problem gamblers

Innovations from ICE London

Originally published in PressGiochi

Among the innovations within the Consumer Protection Zone, NeuralSolution, a technology start-up funded by Benjamin Fry and Iryna Fedortsova, presented its own evolution to identify problematic players through biometric markers. As explained by Mr. Fry to PressGames: “We are the only solution in the world able to take these indicators from a contactless sensor (proprietary camera technology). Without the need to put sensors on the head, the heart and around the fingers, we can give feedback on your neural state when you play. You can install the camera in any physical environment, in a car or at a casino table, and the technology will tell you when a player is becoming a “problem gambler” or if you’re just having fun. It can help to evaluate problematic gambling live in the games room and therefore make a valuable contribution to the work of regulators.”

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